Why is it shocking from everything: what is the reason? Electric shock: consequences, necessary actions and correct measures How to electrify hands to shock

Every person at least once in their life has come across such a concept as electrification. The shortest touch to someone is a small flash, a weak electric shock. Unruly electrified hair. Light flashes when rubbing synthetic materials. All this is an example of the manifestation of a mysterious electrification, a kind of superpower, from time to time subject to any person. In some, this unusual phenomenon is observed much more often than in others, they constantly beat with current and try to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. Such people ask themselves the question “I am very electrified and constantly shocked, what should I do? How to eliminate this effect?

Why does a person get shocked

In order to understand why a person beats with current, you will have to familiarize yourself with the physics of the phenomenon.

The cause of the electrification of materials is static electricity. This concept hides a whole set of phenomena consisting in the appearance, preservation and relaxation of a free electric charge that arises in everyday life as a result of the friction of an object against an object. It is enough to carefully comb your hair, hold it in your fingers and rub pieces of synthetic fiber against each other - and now, the intermolecular balance is rapidly flying into hell. One part involved in friction loses an electron, and the other, on the contrary, gains it. Particles begin to move, forming oppositely charged electron layers. The resulting imbalance is called static electricity, which manifests itself in small flashes of current - sparking. This process is especially successful in materials such as natural wool, fur, synthetics, paper, human hair, amber, plastic or polyethylene products. All these substances in large quantities surround us in Everyday life, which is why any person is electrified to a greater or lesser extent.

Why a person often and strongly beats with current, his clothes are electrified, is it dangerous for him and how to get rid of static electricity. I have this problem for a long time, sometimes bringing some inconvenience.
Frankly speaking, there is little pleasure from the fact that you are shocking yourself. It hurts sometimes and it's disturbing because you don't know what is happening and why. But it's okay if only I suffered. Sometimes people get it too. Not so long ago, I took the handrail on the bus, standing next to The man jumped away from me and then looked back for a long time. I realized what happened, and I was embarrassed for what happened.

Why does a person get electric shock:

Physicists say that the ability to accumulate static electrical discharges is inherent in every person. Every person's body is a good conductor. Electricity accumulates, condenses, and at one point, a discharge is sure to occur. This happens because there is no grounding.
Combing our hair, wearing synthetics, wool or fur, walking on synthetic carpeting, using electrical appliances and sitting at a computer for hours all lead to battery buildup. Sometimes it is so large that it hurts both the owner of the charge and those around him. A man is shocked as he opens the door, trying to wash his hands. It can hit another not only when touched, but even when kissed.

Why does someone often and strongly beat with current, but someone does not have such a problem?

Each of us has different electrical capacitance and resistance. Moreover: the body also produces energy itself, because not a single life process in our body occurs without its participation. Also, thanks to the current, nerve impulses are transmitted. Figuratively speaking, the man himself is a kind of small power plant. In which electricity performs a given work, but not used accumulates in the form of static energy. And only when a person died, his electric potential equals zero.

It is said that in many ways the ability to generate electricity depends on the temperament of a person. It also plays a role and his character. For example, it is believed that choleric people are the most electrified and pulsing current - they are active, more energetic, more emotional.
Is it dangerous?

The influence of this manifestation is still not well understood. Recent studies studying the effect of static electricity on the human body have shown that regular exposure to current can lead to malfunctions in some organs or systems. For many people, this is really dangerous.

It is especially harmful for those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack. It is possible that you owe the loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, frequent headaches and irritability to the accumulation of static electricity. Some people have phobias - the fear of an electrical discharge.

What to do to remove static electricity:

First of all, we need to understand that we must give a natural outlet to the accumulated static electricity. Therefore, if you notice that you often and strongly beat with current, then:

  • Wear clothes and shoes made from natural materials. Focus on linen, cotton. Wash your clothes more often, add an antistatic fabric softener when rinsing.
  • Pay attention to the materials from which your bedding is made.
  • When combing your hair, use wooden combs, avoiding plastic ones.
  • If necessary, use antistatic agents, treating not only clothes, but also car seats, room carpets.
  • Whenever possible, walk barefoot on the ground, and at home - around the apartment - the excess current will go away.
  • Considering that the accumulation of static electricity increases with dry air, use humidifiers in the apartment, ventilate the room more often, and do wet cleaning. Indoor flowers help improve the climate in the apartment and reduce static stress.
  • Reduce the time spent at the computer, working with electrical appliances.

How to relieve stress:

  1. The best way to relieve tension if a person is shocked is to take any metal object and touch a grounded surface. For example, touch the radiator or the refrigerator with the keys.
  2. Leaving the car, touch the glass.
  3. Wet your hands and lightly smooth the clothes, but this has a short-term effect.
  4. Touch metal objects with the back of your hand - the blow will be less painful.
  5. When working with electrical devices or at a computer, wear a special anti-static wrist strap and connect it to grounded objects copper wire(Again, a heating battery is fine). You cannot buy such a bracelet, then while working at a computer, touch the case from time to time system block hands. By doing this, you will remove static electricity, while it has not yet accumulated a lot.

Update: October 2018

Electrical injury is understood as damage to organs and systems due to electric shock. The main causes of death from electric shock are respiratory arrest and. After hard hit current, if a person survives, complications from the cardiovascular, central nervous system, hearing, etc.

The most common accidents occur when:

  • ignorance or non-compliance with safety regulations when using electrical appliances
  • faulty Appliances at home, electrical equipment at enterprises
  • broken wires of high voltage lines

The degree of damage to the human body depends on the way the current passes through the body, on the strength and voltage of the current, the time of exposure, the state of health, age, and the timeliness of providing first aid to the victim.

Types of electric shock

  • electric shock (shock)- effects on the entire body, it does not cause burns, but leads to respiratory and / or heart paralysis
  • electrical injury- damage to external parts of the body: electrical signs, burns, skin plating.

The effect of electric currents on the body

  • Thermal - due to the resistance of body tissues, electrical energy is converted into thermal energy, causing electrical burns in the characteristic places of current entry and exit, which are called current signs. When passing through tissues, thermal energy changes and destroys them.
  • electrochemical- leads to thickening and gluing of blood cells, the movement of ions and a change in the charge of protein molecules, the formation of vapors and gases. Affected tissues take on a cellular appearance.
  • Biological - the work of the skeletal muscles of the heart, nervous and other systems is disrupted.

Symptoms of electric shock

  • Unexpected fall of a person on the street or unnatural repulsion from a current source by an invisible force
  • Severe involuntary muscle contractions
  • Loss of neurological functions - memory loss, impaired understanding of speech and vision, impaired orientation in space, changes in skin sensitivity, pupillary response to light.
  • Ventricular fibrillation and - uneven pulse and irregular breathing
  • Burns on the body with sharply defined borders/

Current marks on the skin

These are areas of necrosis of external tissues at the points of entry and exit of electric current due to the transition of energy from electrical to thermal. Electrical burns are rarely limited to only marks on the skin, more often deeper tissues are damaged: muscles, tendons, bones. There are variants when the lesion is localized under externally intact skin.

The consequences of an electric shock

Nervous system

  • loss of consciousness of varying degrees and duration;
  • memory loss (retrograde amnesia);
  • convulsions;
  • weakness and weakness;
  • and headache;
  • violation of thermoregulation;
  • flickering in the eyes, blurred vision.

When nerves are damaged, sensitivity and motor activity in the limbs change, trophism is disturbed, and pathological reflexes occur. The passage of current through the brain leads to convulsions and loss of consciousness, in some cases, damage to the respiratory center leads to respiratory arrest.

The high voltage current leads to profound disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system, inhibition of the center of respiration and regulation of cardiac activity, which leads to electrical lethargy, imaginary death, when it seems that breathing and heartbeat are absent, but in fact the activity of vital systems is reduced to a minimum. Timely initiated resuscitation measures lead to the successful restoration of the systems.

The cardiovascular system

In most cases, failures of cardiac activity of a functional nature are observed:

  • extrasystole;
  • heart blocks.

Electric shock to the heart muscle can lead to impaired contractile function, leading to fibrillation, when the myocardial fibers begin to contract in an uncoordinated rhythm, and the heart cannot pump blood, which is tantamount to cardiac arrest in severity. Damage to blood vessels leads to bleeding.

Respiratory system

Inhibition or cessation of respiratory activity occurs due to damage to the respiratory center in the brain. The passage of current through the lung tissue leads to bruising and rupture of the lungs.

sense organs

  • hearing loss;
  • touch disorder;
  • rupture of the eardrum;
  • middle ear injury
  • keratitis;
  • choroiditis;
  • cataract.

striated and smooth muscles

  • Spasm and contraction of muscle fibers can lead to cramps.
  • A strong contraction of skeletal muscles can result in fractures of the spine and tubular bones.
  • Spasm of the muscular layer of the vascular wall leads to an increase in pressure or myocardial infarction (in the case of spasm of the cardiac arteries).

Long-term complications

  • CCC: violation of the conduction of the heart, heart rhythm, obliterating endarteritis, arteriosclerosis;
  • Nervous system: neuritis, encephalopathy, trophic ulcers, vegetative changes;
  • Sense organs: cataract, impaired hearing and vision;
  • Musculoskeletal system: contractures (limitation of range of motion, inability to bend a limb), deformities.

Factors affecting the nature and severity of electrical injury

Kind and power and voltage

  • More than 1000-volt current voltage leads to severe damage up to death, and even without touching the source, but being very close - in a step away from the current source (the so-called "voltaic arc").
  • Alternating current is more dangerous than direct current
  • Low-frequency current affects the internal organs
  • High-frequency - the surface of the skin, without leading to death.

Current path through the body - current loop

Electric shock at home

  • The most dangerous options are a full loop, including 2 arms and 2 legs, arm-arm, since the current flows through the heart.
  • No less dangerous is the hand-head, when the current passes through the brain.

Tissue resistance and current density

Current density is the amount of current passing through a unit area. Energy is concentrated when current passes through a smaller area. For example, if an electric current passes through the arm, the current density increases in the area of ​​the joints.

Current duration

The longer the current is applied, the stronger the damage and more likely of death.

  • A high voltage current leads to a sharp contraction of the muscles, a person can even be thrown away from the current source with force.
  • The low voltage current provokes muscle spasm, which leads to a prolonged involuntary grip of the conductor with the hands. Over time, the resistance of the skin decreases, so it is necessary to interrupt the contact of the victim with the conductor as soon as possible.

External factors

The severity of the lesion increases in conditions of high humidity (baths, baths), as well as in case of electric shock in water, and in salt water the lesion is stronger than in fresh water (the more dissolved salts in the water, the better the electrical conductivity of the water).

Body condition

The danger of electric shock increases against the background of exhaustion, alcohol or drug intoxication, chronic diseases, senile and childhood age.

Why are deaths in the bathtub due to contact with household appliances common?

Wet and wet skin plays a fatal role. Such skin has less resistance to electrical energy and, accordingly, the damaging effect is always stronger even under the action of devices with a seemingly low voltage of 110 V, for example, from a hair dryer or radio. In addition, a wet body practically guarantees the formation of the most dangerous current loop through the vital organs.

Degrees of electric shock - classification

Algorithm for first aid in case of electric shock

All actions must be carried out very quickly, without delay, unnecessary conversations and reasoning. Timely assistance can save lives and reduce the severity of electrical injury.

Whatever the condition of the victim, you should immediately call an ambulance or take the person to a medical facility. Death from electric shock can occur within a few hours. The external picture does not reflect internal damage after electric shock.

Stop contact of the victim with the current conductor as soon as possible

Assess the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and whether the person is conscious

Lightly pat on the cheek, ask basic questions. If necessary, carry out resuscitation measures:

  • check for breathing: see if there are respiratory movements of the chest, bring a mirror / glass to the mouth and nose, which will fog up when breathing, or a thin thread that should deviate when breathing;
  • determine the pulse on the carotid artery by pressing the area of ​​its projection with your fingers;
  • clear the airway for further rescue: put the palm of one hand on the forehead of the victim, lift the chin with two fingers of the other hand, push the lower jaw forward and tilt the head back. If a fracture of the spine is suspected, these actions are prohibited; if the tongue sinks, it is permissible to fix it to the cheek with a pin.

Primary resuscitation of the victim (in the absence of a pulse and breathing)

  • Indirect cardiac massage- most effective within the first 3 minutes after cardiac arrest. The patient lies on his back on a flat surface, the rescuer's arms straightened at the elbows are located in the middle of the chest between the nipples. 100 rhythmic compressions are performed for 1 minute on the chest with an amplitude of compressions of 5-6 cm and until the chest is fully expanded after pressing.
  • Breathing mouth to mouth- two full exhalations every 30 clicks on the projection of the heart. If it is impossible this method it is permissible to use only an indirect heart massage.
  • Duration of resuscitation- before the arrival of an ambulance or before the appearance of signs of life (skin reddening, the appearance of a pulse and breathing). In this case, the victim is turned on his side and waiting for an ambulance. The maximum duration is 30 minutes, further actions inappropriate except for those patients who are in conditions of cold temperatures.
  • Medical treatment(carried out by the ambulance resuscitation team). If the above measures fail, 1 ml of adrenaline 0.1% is injected within 2-3 minutes (intramuscularly, intravenously or intracardiacly); as well as calcium chloride 10% - 10 ml, strophanthin 0.05% - 1 ml, diluted in 20 ml of 40% glucose solution.
  • Primary treatment of burns is to apply a dry gauze bandage.
  • Painkillers - while maintaining consciousness until the ambulance arrives, a person can be given painkillers and sedatives.
  • Transportation of the victim to the hospital is carried out in a supine position and covered with a warm blanket.

Inpatient treatment after electric shock

  • It is carried out in intensive care, and in the absence of signs of burn or electric shock - in the surgical department.
  • The complex of treatment depends on the indications: from a simple toilet and dressing of burn wounds to complex surgical interventions to restore damaged organs and tissues.
  • Even in the absence of local damage and a satisfactory condition, the patient is in the department under observation to prevent long-term reactions from systems and organs.
  • Serious electrical injuries require long-term rehabilitation.

Features of a lightning strike

Affecting factors: electric current, sound and light energy, shock wave. The impact of lightning is similar to a high voltage electric shock.

  • Symmetric damage is characteristic: paresis of two limbs, paraplegia.
  • The current signs have a bizarre twisted shape and are distinguished by a long duration.

If a thunderstorm caught on the street, you can not hide under the trees, lean against metal objects, and even more so be in the water.

Some facts

  • The first officially recorded death from electric shock occurred in France, in 1879 - the victim of an action alternating current became a carpenter.
  • The frequency of electrical injuries in developed countries is 2-3 cases per 100 thousand of the population.
  • The risk group is made up of young people aged 25-40, and men are 4 times more likely to die due to electrical injuries than women.

Electric shock protection

Means of protection against electric shock:

  • Linings and supports isolating;
  • Gloves, caps, galoshes and dielectric rugs;
  • Portable grounding;
  • Tools with insulated handles;
  • Special protective clothing;
  • Protective screens, partitions, current protection chambers;
  • Warning signs and posters.

Working rules:

  • Minimize the time spent in the danger zone near the operation of the devices;
  • Approach the current sources should only be at a distance that is equal to the length of the insulating part of the protective equipment.
  • When working with devices with a voltage of 330 kV or more, the use of overalls is mandatory.
  • In conditions of rain and thunderstorms, all work must be suspended.

07.05.2015 Pelagia Zuykova Save:

Pleasant and not so consequences... Introduction to a series of articles on energy on a raw food diet.

Dear reader, you may have already wondered where Pelagia, the author of the blog, disappeared, because her personal articles have been gone for a month now. To be honest, I took a creative break for myself to gain strength and inspiration for writing new articles. In addition, she recorded And many other strange things happened in my life, which frankly frightened me and interested me at the same time. And this, as you understood from the title, is about increasing energy on live food. I'm electric.)

As you know, with ordinary nutrition, the body spends a lot of energy processing food that is unnatural for it. And when a person switches to a raw food diet, the same energy is spent on the removal of toxins, toxins and other rubbish. The main cleaning ends, as a result, a lot of energy remains. And at the same time there are very interesting effects which on the one hand are interesting, and on the other hand they are frightening. The second happens more often because you don't know what to do with it.

There are even such cases when, due to a large excess of energy that suddenly appeared in an unprepared person, a person breaks off from living food, muffling the flow of energy with boiled food. This especially happens if a person is afraid of what happens to him when he becomes a walking energy ball.

And it is for such people who do not know what to do if such strange changes with energy have occurred in their lives, I will tell my story. Like many of you, I was just afraid to share with her before, because I thought they would not understand. They will say that it's time to go to a psychiatric hospital, since there are familiar psychiatrists, such as helping with the arrangement of the ward.

But I began to understand this topic in order to understand how to control all this, so that the raw food diet would be a joy for me, and not a burden. And finally, I have collected enough material to gradually share it with you, friends. Someday, perhaps, I will arrange it in a more convenient for reading and understanding - in the form of a book.

But I WARN YOU! This does not happen to all raw foodists, and not necessarily immediately after a year of transition, as it did for me. You should not wind yourself up in advance, and that what I will write about will happen to you. Many factors play a role here, for example, the transition process itself and the duration of cleaning the body, which depends on its clogging.

In my case, some strange features of the body appear more likely due to the fact that some family heredity simply simply increased on a raw food diet. With you, Reader, they may eventually appear on a pure raw food diet, but I have not yet studied such cases, and I do not advise anyone to study them in detail for now. But if this concerns you, like me, then my experience will undoubtedly be useful to you. So keep it up!

What will I talk about today?

In this introduction article, I will tell you about the very first strange event in my life, which for the first time made me think: “What is happening to me? Will it pass?" Read carefully, you will be interested!

The first "strange" manifestation of increased energy. Pros and cons

Starting in 2014, when I had about 10 months of raw food diet experience, I began to hit static electricity many times more often. And okay, if after long walks in the air or something like that. Or, for example, in those days when I wore a synthetic down jacket for the weather, I would not take the whole thing seriously. But in my entire life, I have only occasionally been electrocuted, at most several times in all my 20 years.

I thought at first that it was because my mother had an increased electrical sensitivity, and the same thing began to happen to me. I remember as a child, she often showed me how a completely clean candy wrapper near her fingers literally hung and rolled! Okay, already small pieces of paper, but a big wrapper.

I always watched and admired my mother with my mouth open, but no matter how much I rubbed my hands, how many times I tried, it didn’t work out for me ... It was very painful in childhood, so the energy was weak ...

And on a raw food diet, I became not just electrically sensitive, but literally constantly shock! Together with Vova, we thought why this happened, and our beloved came to one very interesting conclusion, which you can read in his article.

Personally, I studied these cases in detail, and noticed that I only get electric shock when I experience strong emotions. And not only in cold weather, but all year round. Physically, this most often manifests itself when it is emotions with a negative connotation. For example:

  1. When Vova went to his home, I naturally get upset inside from our parting, and with a kiss I can hit him on the nose with an electric shock.
  2. When, after a discussion with him, my mood is to hell, I can also choke him. Vova even happens to say: “Fields, anu-ka, calm down, otherwise she has already begun to shy away from the current.” And when we get to common solution and I calm down, everything becomes normal.
  3. Also when I'm in my normal state, sometimes when working on a computer, for example, when I'm typing or drawing a web design. I literally have colitis in my fingers, some strange radiation is felt.

The phone has become so generally lately kept away from itself, in a bag, because it seems to me somehow unpleasant or something. I began to surf the Internet much less, and began to listen to music in headphones on a long wire. And since my work is this moment connected specifically with him (I am engaged in web design), I often have to relieve stress by simply washing my hands or doing exercises.

When my emotions are positive, everything happens differently. On the contrary, inside myself I feel like I want to move madly, do something, I don’t feel like sitting still! Sometimes it is this activity that motivates me to go in for sports.

And one more thing! When I communicate with people, they began to say that I really glow from the inside, that they want to communicate with me more and more. I have always been told that I can listen, but now people are more and more drawn to me through life, as if I am a pleasant warm light.) Even on the Internet, strangers often write to me, not only raw foodists, they probably feel my attractive energy. What do you think, dear Reader, is there such a thing?

I don’t know, it’s a little off topic, but I remembered that the seeds, when I’m in a great mood, germinate the only way, many times faster! Vova noticed this fact that they germinated well next to me in just 1 night, and even Vovkin's secret gives results 2 times slower. Shungite water is also much faster mineralized and structured from my presence.

I noticed that together with Vova we exchange good energy and radiate it very powerfully + stabilize each other's potential.

I'm shocked: a small solution to the problem

I like my general increase in energy on a raw food diet, only its surplus needs to be properly distributed, otherwise there will be unpleasant external consequences such as: electric shock, unpleasant mood, excessive activity. So what to do with the excess of negative and positive energy potential when it physically begins to annoy?

Here are my universal ways that I advise you:

Solution 1 If you are shocked, ground yourself! It is possible about something iron; and on the street, the ideal option is earth or wood. At home, it is desirable for all such raw foodists and not only to ground themselves by washing their hands, face, and feet.

Ideal shower. After all, for example, you came home empty or angry, something presses ... You take water procedures - your mood immediately improves! When flushing, not only static electricity goes away, but also various bad energy from other people, collected during the day.

Solution 2 Exercise to release excess energy. Excess energy, although positive, only harms if it is not given to environment.

Sport is a profitable exchange with the World. You give him energy, and he gives you a healthy and strong body. This option is for those who want to be healthy, but definitely not lazy! By the way, spiritually, the same thing!

Solution 3 Direct your energy to study healing practices, and at the same time help people! Only this topic should be studied carefully. How exactly to use my abilities, I will definitely tell you.

Do not try it yourself, without the help of a person who has gone through this, otherwise you will make a lot of mistakes, like me! For example, at first, she stupidly took on other people's sores during treatment, instead of dumping negativity into the void. Literally, I'm not kidding at all.

I will tell you more in the next series of articles about energy on a raw food diet. For example, about healing with hands. There you will find out for sure whether you should do this, and if so, how to properly treat with your hands so as not to harm yourself; I will tell you about a very interesting ability, directly related to healing, which I got on a raw food diet. So subscribe to the newsletter in the form below the article so as not to miss these articles!

P.S. If strange events began to happen to you in your life after switching to a raw food diet or for other reasons, then do not hesitate to write below in the comments. I will definitely not make fun of you, since I myself have encountered this and am ready to help you.

Subscribe to blog updates– there are many more interesting articles ahead!

We can safely say that every person in one way or another had to experience an electric discharge. Not only an electrical appliance can be shocked, but also a person. Bioelectrical impulses appear when life is born and disappear with the onset of death. Consider how contact with electricity affects a person and how to avoid it.

Reasons for electric shock

There are people who are often shocked by everything. What is the reason for this phenomenon is sometimes completely incomprehensible. Obviously, an electric shock can be obtained by touching an object that is energized over 36 V. In this case, a circuit occurs through the body, an electric shock is obtained. But a person receives a discharge from things that are far from tension.

The reason why everything is electrocuted is static electricity. It occurs when charges accumulate on the surface of physical bodies that are poor conductors of electric current. For some time they persist, then a discharge occurs, causing discomfort.

Electrostatic charges are generated by friction, so they build up faster in winter when the air gets drier and the wearer is dominated by wool, fur, and synthetic clothing.

Why does a person get shocked

We can say that a person is a kind of electrical system, so he beats current when there is a large accumulation of electrical charges. This happens for two reasons:

  1. The body, like a mini-power plant, produces its own electric currents . They are not felt by a person, and they can only be measured with ultra-sensitive instruments. Part of the biocurrents is used to maintain the vital activity of the body, and the excess is converted into static energy.
  2. Intake of static electricity from outside. On the surface of any substance, an electric charge, positive or negative, can accumulate (the so-called triboelectric effect). Electrification occurs when objects are heated or cooled, irradiated with energy sources when a friction force acts on them. Synthetics, fur, wool, hair are especially strongly electrified (but cotton fabrics, wood, glass are not “charged”).

The human body is well electrified. This is facilitated by the lack of grounding, wearing clothes and the fact that his skin is covered with hairs. When a person touches an "uncharged" person with a hand or other part of the body, a discharge occurs, which is manifested by crackling or tingling. Often bioelectricity of great strength hits its owner painfully: he is shocked by everything he touches.

Why doesn't everyone get electrocuted?

Each person accumulates a different amount of electrostatic charges, because they have individual resistance and electric capacity (the ability to accumulate electricity). There is a theory according to which the amount of biocurrents produced also depends on the psycho-emotional state.

High static stress in humans is a phenomenon that scientists still cannot figure out. Such people (there are few of them, they lived at all times) withstand mains voltage of 220 V and above, so they calmly take the wires with their bare hands. Their body can be used as a conductor to light a light bulb, but touching a carrier of extreme bioelectricity is dangerous.

Why is water pulsating

Water is a conductor of electricity, so if there is running water, when washing hands from the tap, an electric shock can be felt. The reason for this phenomenon may be the following:

The problem can be created by neighbors who have connected neutral wire to the water pipe, stealing electricity. This can be checked by de-energizing your apartment: if the water is electric, then the reason is from outside.

How to remove static electricity

In everyday life, static electricity creates a lot of unpleasant moments, so let's look at a few recommendations that will tell you what to do to remove the increased charge:

One way that is good at removing static electricity is moisturizing. The static charge caused by contact with synthetic clothing will decrease by 1.5 times if the air is humidified from 40 to 60%. For this purpose, special devices are used, more often they ventilate the room. A good effect is the unfolding of a wet towel on the radiators.

To remove static electricity from the body of the car, antistatic belts are used that are in contact with the road, and special devices are built into modern cars for this. The apartment uses a special potential equalization system, which is combined with. To quickly remove an electrostatic charge from yourself, you need to touch a metal object to any grounded metal.

Avoid contact with electric charges it is impossible, they surround a person everywhere, are inside him. Biocurrents, small in power, do not harm life and health. But their regular exposure can cause malfunctions in the body, lead to death. Therefore, you need to regularly get rid of static electricity.